2019, Number 1
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Geroinfo 2019; 14 (1)
Psychological and behavioral symptoms severity in patient with Alzheimer's disease
Garzón PM, Pascual CY, Collazo LEC, Lois SB
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 143.92 Kb.
Introduction: The world aging is a victory but also a challenge. Cuba Population has
gone from 17, 4% of 60 year-old people and more in 2009, until 20,1,% in the 2017. The
Alzheimer's disease is the most common, illness that evolves for stages, and as long as
it goes from a stage to another the psychological and behavioral symptoms are
increased; increasing the demand of special cares, important function carried out by the
principal caregivers.
Objective: identify the psychological and behavioral symptoms
severity of patients with minor and moderate Alzheimer disease from the main carer
Method: Descriptive study of a sample of 35 principal caregivers of patient
with minor and moderate Alzheimer disease from the policlinic "Carlos Manuel
Portuondo" of Marianao municipality. Statistical charts of absolute frequency and
percentage were made for the processing and statistical analysis of the information.
Results: the eating disorder, the depression and the repetitions prevailed in the light
category; in the moderate one prevailed the dream disorder and the repetitions and in
the severe category was more frequents the irritability and the repetitions.
Conclusions: It should be carried out similar investigations that allow designing
programs of interventions that allow to minimize or to mitigate the negative effect that
the care produces in the principal caregivers.
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