2020, Number 2
Educative intervention related to dental caries risk perception in 7th grade students. Sancti Spíritus
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 51-60
PDF size: 187.56 Kb.
Background: The poor knowledge and the low risk perception of the students are causes for dental caries constitute an oral health problem.Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention on dental caries risk perception in 7th grade students.
Methodology: A quasi-experimental study was carried out, with a previous and further design from September 2018 to February 2019, the population consisted of 196, it was not necessary to apply a sampling technique, since the characteristics of extension and location of the population, made possible the interaction of the researcher with all the subjects. The variables used: knowledge about dental caries prevention, risk perception and oral hygiene, the methods: theoretical, empirical (survey) and descriptive statistics.
Results: The knowledge before the intervention was insufficient in 40.8 %, 78 % had no risk perception and 40.8 % poor oral hygiene. After the intervention 74 % had sufficient knowledge, 89.8 % risk perception and 79.1 % good oral hygiene.
Conclusions: The intervention was effective because it managed to raise the level of knowledge and risk perception in students, as well as good oral hygiene.
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