2020, Number 3
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Rev Biomed 2020; 31 (3)
symptoms associated with pain in cancer patients
Cortijo-Palacios X, Contreras-Bello R, Gutiérrez-García C, Cadena-Barajas M, Cibrián-Llanderal T
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 117-124
PDF size: 467.11 Kb.
Introduction. The palliative medicine can relieve pain and improve the
quality of life when it is incorporated into a global cancer control treatment.
Objectives. Describe the characteristics of patients in a palliative care unit
and review the relationship of pain with the most prevalent symptoms.
Method. This is a cross-sectional, descriptive and retrospective study. It was
conducted at the Centro Estatal de Cancerología in Xalapa, Veracruz. The
information were obtained from the medical records. Subjects were women
and men diagnosed with cancer. The initial analysis of the study included
patients who went to a fi rst and second visit. The variables studied were: age,
gender, diagnosis, medication consumption and symptoms as assessed using
the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS).The Chi-square test
was used to determine the perception of pain associated with the symptoms
Results. A statistically signifi cant relationship was found between the
perception in the reduction of pain and the reduction of 50 % of the symptoms
Conclusion. Palliative care contributed to the reduction of symptoms
associated with pain after to the fi rst intervention in the types of cancer with
the highest incidence.
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