2020, Number 1
Heberprot-P®: therapeutic effectiveness in diabetic foot ulcer patients at General Teaching Hospital of Chimborazo, Ecuador
Language: Spanish
References: 28
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Introduction: diabetic foot ulcer is a health problem which requires effective treatment to decrease the rate of amputations.Objective: to evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of Heberprot-P® (recombinant human epidermal growth factor), applied to diabetic foot ulcer patients.
Methods: non-randomized, uncontrolled trial in 51 diabetic foot patients treated with Heberprot-P® at General Teaching Hospital of Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador, during the period from January to December 2013. The variables analyzed were: age, sex, type of diabetes, place of origin, clinical classification of disease, injury classification, number of infiltrations carried out, treatment time, response to it and adverse events.
Results: the most predisposed to diabetic foot ulcers was the 60-70 age group and the female. 58.8% of the patients presented neuroinfectious diabetic foot. According to Wagner classification, in Grade II injury, the most frequent, after 24 infiltrations of Herberprot P®, the response to the treatment observed was total healing in 70.5% and partial in 27.5%, being satisfactory in 98% of the patients within a period of 50 days. The main adverse effect found was chills.
Conclusions: the effectiveness of Heberprot-P® in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer patients is confirmed, in addition to being an effective and safe drug for application.
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