2019, Number 4
Behavior of risk factors associated with cervical cancer at
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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Introduction: cervical cancer is one of the most frequent and lethal malignant neoplasias among the women from all around the world.Objective: characterize the main factors associated with cervical cancer in a health care area.
Method: a case series descriptive study of patients diagnosed with dysplasia or carcinoma of the cervix, registered in the vaginal cytology consultation of ’’Alex Urquiola’’ Policlinic in Holguin, Cuba, conducted in year 2017. The universe was made up of 1 638 patients that were screened with Pap test and the selected sample, 33 women who turned out to be positive.
Results: the most frequent diagnosis was mild (54.5%), and moderate (36.3%) dysplasia in women whose age was mainly 40-44 and 25-29 years old. Some of the main features that define the risk of cervical cancer are starting sexual relations before the age of 20 (78,8%), sexual relations with ≥ 5 couples (57,5%) and multiparity, between 2 and 3 children (42,4%).
Findings: a more precise definition of the risk groups for the disease in the health care area, allows organization of the work aimed at promoting healthier lifestyles.
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