2014, Number 1
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Rev Odotopediatr Latinoam 2014; 4 (1)
Prospective study of cyst of the lamina dental in venezuelan neonatos hiv (+) and hiv (-)
Rodríguez-C, Hernández-MdN, Guerra-ME
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 7-19
PDF size: 237.62 Kb.
Objective: to determine the prevalence of cysts of the dental lamina in a group of Venezuelans HIV (+) and HIV vertically exposed.
Materials and methods: Prospective, analytical and descriptive, study collected data in neonates HIV (+) and HIV (-). They were examined oral clinical by knee to knee position, and dental unit lamp, analyzed general information's from they mothers. The processing data was analyzed using the program SPSS version 11 of the statistics and actuary School of Faculty Economics Universidad Central de Venezuela.
Results: The population was compouse of 62 children. Most mother's occupation was hausewives, 68% came from Caracas, 57% belonged to the male gender, the reason for consultation HIV (+) 88% emergency and HIV (-) 72% for control, 83% had cyst predominance in alveolar ridge.
Conclusion: The results highlight the importance and participation of the pediatric dentist in the multidisciplinary team this take care of neonates and the importance of oral examine during the first days of live.
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