2020, Number 1
Process of co-creation of a comic type primer to know problems felt by peasant children
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 28-47
PDF size: 334.26 Kb.
Introduction: The text derives from the project of united extension Community participation and quality of life: an empowerment exercise in a rural population of the Inspección de La Virgen, in Quipile, Colombia. Its objective: to value the results of the process of co-creation of an infantile comic type primer prepared by children on their main problems and their possible solutions. Methods: it was used a participative design to identify the problems from the children´s point of view. The participants belonged to the Inspección de La Virgen and to the paths Galilee, San Nicolás, San Isidro and Istanbul. Results: The drawings inspired the marionettes of the superheroes of the work. The representations symbolized the problems Contamination in the gorge, Discussions, The contamination of the air, The familiar fights; titles of the stories of the primer Tony's big adventures and the Super Squirrel in The Virgin. Discussion: The use of the primer, as a whole with the marionettes, helps to reflect with the children on their realities. The experience can contextualize to rural communities with similar characteristics. The primer constitutes a useful tool in the process of formation of the campaign to raise public awareness of social problems in the infantile population.REFERENCES
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