2018, Number 28
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Inv Ed Med 2018; 7 (28)
Evaluation of teaching strategies in morphological subjects: evidence of validity of an instrument
Arce-Cedeño A, Flores-Hernández F, Martínez-González A
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 75-84
PDF size: 599.41 Kb.
Introduction:The Faculty of Medicine of UNAM implemented
the 2010 Academic Curriculum, which suggests
the teacher to employ a variety of student-centered teaching
strategies to promote meaningful learning; however,
the teaching strategies used by teachers in the educational
process are unknown.
Objective: To identify teaching strategies used by teachers
in the subjects of Anatomy, Human Embryology and
Cellular and Tissue Biology at the Faculty of Medicine of
UNAM in the academic year 2013-2014.
Method: teaching strategies developed in the educational
space, as well as those established in the Academic
Curriculum of 2010 and in the academic programs of the
morphological subjects, were classified. Subsequently,
a multiple choice questionnaire with a Likert-type scale,
37 statements in its final version, was designed with four
answer options:
never, sometimes, frequently and always
to identify the teaching strategies used by teachers classified
Student Centered; Teacher Centered; Knowledge
Results: The questionnaire was applied to 1,476 first year
medical students with a valid response rate of 93%. The
internal consistency analysis was determined by Cronbach
Alpha coefficient with .963, with an explained variance of
51.3%. The results showed that teachers predominantly use
teacher-centered strategies; however, there is a transition
where they tend to employ student-centered strategies.
Conclusions: The instrument showed a good fit; it can be
used in other subjects to obtain an overall perspective of
the teaching strategies used by teachers in the Faculty
under the Curriculum of 2010. Since teacher-centered
strategies are widely used, it is suggested a stronger
diffusion between the teachers of student-centered strategies
in order to achieve the profile required of the teacher
under the Curriculum of 2010.
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