2019, Number 3
Surgical treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of 40 % of the lower lip. Case report
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 112-121
PDF size: 0. Kb.
Background: The barrel of Schuchardt technique, is indicated when the defect in the lip compromises 30-75 % of it, from central to paramedial location which affects both, vermilion and skin; in this case, the flap was used for rebuilding a more lateral tumor lesion. The technique is described to extract the partial thickness barrel; however, taking into account the oncological margin recommended in this case, the hysteresis covered the entire thickness of the lip.Objective: To present a case of a patient with 40 % squamous cell carcinoma in the lower lip intervened at Camilo Cienfuegos General Hospital.
Case report: A 43-year-old male patient treated for a year having actinic cheilitis, with an infiltrated exophytic lesion, occupying 40 % of the lower lip. A squamous cell carcinoma was diagnosed, so surgical treatment. Based on the individual characteristics of the patient and those of the lesion, the barrel technique described by Schuchardt was chosen.
Conclusions: Malignant lesions of the lips can affect masked by the clinical picture of premalignant lesions such as actinic cheilitis, so it is important to keep a close follow-up of these cases. When applying the clinical method, the surgical intervention with presumptive diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma can be decided, then the recommended oncological margins must be respected. The barrel technique initially described for losses of medial and paramedial tissues of the lip, of partial thickness can be used in defects of more lateral location and of total thickness with satisfactory results.
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Navarro Vila C, Bucci T, Calderón Polanco J, Navarro Cuéllar C. Cirugía reconstructiva del labio. En: Tratado de Otorrinolaringología y Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello [Internet]. España: Editorial Médica Panamericana;2007.p.3276. [citado 20 Jul 2019]. Disponible en: https://books.google.com.cu/books?id=7VL4NF_jMGoC&pg=PA3114&lpg=PA3114&dq=pdf+Tratado+de+Otorrinolaringolog%C3%ADa+y+Cirug%C3%ADa+de+Cabeza+y+Cuello+Escrito+por+Carlos+Su%C3%A1rez+Nieto&source=bl&ots=7cR4KYR-6i&sig=ACfU3U1Z3VIPu6XQtIWO0W8fKUNXxW4K6A&hl=es&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj6h-Dst7LlAhVIwVkKHdALAPAQ6AEwBHoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=pdf%20Tratado%20de%20Otorrinolaringolog%C3%ADa%20y%20Cirug%C3%ADa%20de%20Cabeza%20y%20Cuello%20Escrito%20por%20Carlos%20Su%C3%A1rez%20Nieto&f=false