2019, Number 3
A proposal of psychoeducational intervention to modify domestic-violence behaviors
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 79-93
PDF size: 393.81 Kb.
Background: Domestic violence affects the physical, psychological, emotional and social health of those who suffer from it at increasing levels.Objective: To develop a proposal of psychoeducational intervention to modify domestic-violence behaviors.
Methodology: A qualitative investigation was carried out; the population was made by 40 dysfunctional families with the presence of domestic violence. A sample of 14 families was selected. The techniques used to obtain the data were: family interview, interview to key informants, family functioning perception test (FF-SIL), participant observation, family drawing and in-depth interview to adult members. For the evaluation of the strategy, 14 professionals were selected and the methods used were: expert criteria through a questionnaire and the Delphi technique.
Results: The results allowed the elaboration of the psychoeducational strategy based on the prevalence of psychological violence in families, the existence of inadequate communication and educational styles, a greater incidence of violence in children, adolescents and the elderly in order to modify domestic violence behaviors. 100 % of the professionals showed a general consensus in the evaluation of the proposal and with it the applicability of the intervention.
Conclusions: The proposal of psychoeducational intervention was elaborated, in which the intervention actions were evaluated as pertinent.
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