2020, Number 2
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Acta Med Cent 2020; 14 (2)
Violencia contra la mujer, una mirada a través del arte
Sarduy PG, Sarduy PA, Mirabal MO
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 268-275
PDF size: 185.01 Kb.
Introduction: each artistic style reflects art with similar features at a time stage; Violence against women, in art, has transcended over the years.
Objective: to publicize the way in which violence against women is reflected in various manifestations of art.
Method: a review of texts used in the Career of Art History was carried out and magazine articles related to violence against women were analyzed.
Development: violence against women ranges from discrimination and contempt to physical, sexual, psychological and murder and is manifested in areas of social and political life, the family itself, the school, the Church and of the State and is present in art.
Conclusions: the image of violence against women has been reflected in all periods and artistic manifestations.
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