2020, Number 2
Mortalidad por accidente de tránsito en el adulto mayor en la Provincia de Villa Clara
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 201-209
PDF size: 231.40 Kb.
Introduction: aging affects the ability to travel as pedestrians, as drivers or by public transport. Almost one in four traffic accidents has a person older than 65 years involved and the percentage is increasing. Objective: to characterize the traffic accident mortality in the older adults in Villa Clara Province. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional observational investigation was carried out, the population was constituted by the 215 deaths due to accidents, aged 60 and over, resident in the province, in the period between January 1st and December 31, 2018. Results: 202 deaths due to traffic accidents were reported in the period studied, with a predominance of males (81.19%) over females (18.81%), the type of hitting increased according to age, and in the collision the deceased decrease, the highest number of cases were reported on December morning (42.57%) report, severe brain contusion (16.83%) was the direct cause of the death that prevailed, followed by edema severe brain (14.85%). Conclusions: in the fatal traffic accidents there is a predominance of the masculine sex over the feminine one, in these accidents the modality of hitting increases according to the age and in the collision the deceased ones diminish, December mornings reported the greater number of cases, severe brain contusion was the direct cause of death that prevailed.REFERENCES
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