2020, Number 2
Parálisis recurrencial en pacientes atendidos en Consulta de Foniatría
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 172-181
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Introduction: Recurrent paralysis is a pathological condition caused by the elimination of the supply of nerve stimuli that reach one or both vocal cords through the recurrent nerves and cause laryngeal function disorders. Objective: to characterize the patients treated for recurrent paralysis in the Phoniatrics Consultation of the Teaching Polyclinic “Joaquín Albarrán” in the period from January to December 2016. Method: cross-sectional descriptive study. A total of 49 patients were selected through intentional non-probabilistic form from 55 patients who were the study population. Data collection was carried out by reviewing the medical records. Statistical methods of absolute and relative frequency were used. The results were presented in texts and statistical tables. Results: there was a predominance of the female sex (83.67%) and 57.14% of the age group of 45 to 59 years was the most affected. The surgical cause (48.98%) and the dysphonia symptom (100%) predominated in recurrent paralysis. Vocal physical synkinesia was the most widely used technique. Perceptual evaluation of the voice showed pathological voices. Conclusions: in recurrent paralysis, hoarseness, as a translation of the alteration of the vocal timbre, was the symptom for which patients mostly go to the Phoniatrics Consultation for the rehabilitation of their voice.REFERENCES
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