2020, Number 2
Consumo alimentario y hábitos dietéticos y tóxicos en embarazadas de la Provincia de Villa Clara
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 142-151
PDF size: 247.62 Kb.
Introduction: advances in the knowledge of Epigenetics and its relationship with morbidity in adulthood emphasize more strongly the impact that a woman's diet has during pregnancy. Objective: to know the consumption of food and the dietary and toxic habits of pregnant women. Method: a descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in which a standardized interview was applied through the use of a semi-structured questionnaire to 100 pregnant women who attended the Genetics Services in the period between June and November 2016 in the Province of Villa Clara. Results: a large number of pregnant women consume fresh meat, milk, fish and fruits and in smaller quantities, vegetables; pork meat is the most commonly consumed and many have no habit eat the pork liver; a large number of woman did not take folic acid before pregnancy due to ignorance. Some pregnant women practice smoking and drink alcohol because they are unaware of the effects on pregnancy and its product. Conclusions: the majority of the pregnant women interviewed, report that they prefer to consume milk, pork and chicken, just over half reported eating liver, the highest percentage do not consume folic acid before pregnancy, and persist pregnant women who drink alcoholic beverages, coffee and cigarettes and expose your health and that of the future baby to its harmful effects.REFERENCES
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