2015, Number 2
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Rev Odotopediatr Latinoam 2015; 5 (2)
Diagnosis and management of dentoalveolar ankylosis
Cardozo MA, Hernández JA
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 26-36
PDF size: 803.21 Kb.
Dentoalveolar ankylosis is a dental defect, which
presents loss of continuity of the periodontal
ligament, leading to the attachment of alveolar
bone with cement or dentin. This prevents the
normal eruption process and the vertical growth
of the ankylosed tooth’s bone, while the adjacent
teeth continue their eruption process and normal
alveolar growth. This situation leads to the altered
tooth staying below the occlusal plane, giving
the impression of being submerged. Ankylosis
is almost exclusive to primary dentition, and
its prevalence varies between 1.3% and 8.9%,
occurring more frequently in the first lower primary
molars. Its exact etiology is still unknown, but
there are different theories about the origin of this
disorder, one of these is the genetic factor and the
disruption of local metabolism of the periodontal
ligament. The presence of ankylosis can favor the
development of various alterations in the dentition,
such as loss of arch perimeter, the inclination of
adjacent teeth, loss of space and chewing disorders
among others. Therefore it is very important a
clinical and radiographic diagnosis to establish
a timely treatment to prevent and minimize the
occlusal imbalance. Therapeutic alternatives for
dentoalveolar ankylosis are controversial, and
treatment decisions are based primarily on clinical
and radiographic findings, clinical implications
and the severity of infraocclusion.
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