2015, Number 1
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Rev Odotopediatr Latinoam 2015; 5 (1)
Periodontal disease in pregnant teenagers. Literature Review
Cotis A, Guerra ME
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 51-60
PDF size: 635.82 Kb.
Objetive: Investigate the literature information
on periodontal disease in pregnant teenagers,
whom will allow the infection about the different
findings according to the most prevalent
periodontal pathology in these patients.
and methods: Look for printed literature
in books and magazines, as well as search for
articles published on the internet, it took into
consideration the period of pregnancy in adolescence.
Results: There were 40 publications on
periodontal disease and pregnancy, from 1963
until 2013, in Spanish and English of which only
4 relate to adolescents, the authors agree that
there is a need for greater interdisciplinary care,
which include the dentist, not only by the oral
health of the pregnant mother but to assure best
conditions for the development of gestational
process and the child who is in training, as well
as controversy exists over the influence of pregnancy
on the periodontal disease.
It is well known that hormonal changes during
adolescence, pregnancy, produce alterations on
the periodontium, which would be compounded
by unfavorable conditions of oral hygiene.
The pediatric dentist as a health care professional
that caters to teenagers, you must take care
of the oral cavity of the adolescent and his son in
training, the most important thing is to educate
and prevent to the patient and their representative,
on physiological states of women can have
local and systemic effects that cover the oral cavity.
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