2019, Number 6
Study of the arterial tension deregulation of adults younger than 60 years
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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Introduction: arterial hypertension occupies a predominant place among the nontransmitted chronic diseases due to its high indexes of prevalence and incidence.Objective: to determine the behavior of arterial hypertension in people younger than 60 years without medical control.
Materials and methods: cross-sectional descriptive study, carried out in the Hospital "Amalia Simoni" in Camagüey, in the period 2016-2018.
Results: more than half of the cases were male, white Latin patients, frequently with antecedents of high arterial hypertension; the highest percent were classified in stage II. Smoking and overweigh were found as risk factors; hypertriglyceridemia and microalbuminuria were the highlighted complementary. Adherence to pharmacological treatments was achieved only in half of the cases.
Conclusions: out of control arterial hypertension shows mostly in male sex with proportion in ages more than 40 years, an evidence of higher incidence in parallel to age growth; most of hypertensive patients are in stage II, predominating familiar antecedents and comorbidities like diabetes mellitus, heart diseases and obesity. One third of the cases presented altered levels of triglycerides, cholesterol and microalbuminuria. Treatment adherence was found in less than half of the cases.
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