2020, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2020; 62 (5)
Collateral effect of transnational migration: the transformation of medical habitus
González-Vázquez T, Infante-Xibille C, Villa-Torres L, Reyes-Morales H, Pelcastre-Villafuerte BE
Language: English
References: 32
Page: 550-558
PDF size: 431.70 Kb.
Objective. To analyze health practice transformations in
health providers in Mexico.
Materials and methods. We
used qualitative data to explore transnational health practices
of men with migration experience to the US, healthcare
professionals in Mexico from eight rural communities, and
Mexican providers in US. Data used came from a study that
explored transnational health practices in the context of
Results. Healthcare professionals provided care
to migrants through remote consultations or via a family
member, and in-person during migrants’ visits or by healthcare
professionals relocating to migrants’ destination communities
in the US. The remote consultations mainly caused
three changes in the field of medical practice: providing care
without a patient review or clinical examination, long-distance
prescription of medications, and provision of care mediated
by a family member.
Conclusions. Changes in their medical
practice shifted roles of healthcare professionals and of
migrants as patients, transforming the hegemonic biomedical
model in Mexico.
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