2020, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2020; 62 (5)
Social determinants for overweight and obesity in a highly marginalized population from Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico
Vázquez-Durán M, Jiménez-Corona ME, Moreno-Altamirano L, Graue-Hernández EO, Guarneros N, Jiménez-Corona L, Jiménez-Corona A
Language: English
References: 33
Page: 477-486
PDF size: 337.98 Kb.
Objective. We assessed the prevalence of overweight and
obesity and its association with some social determinants in
a highly marginalized population in Mexico.
Materials and
methods. Cross-sectional study conducted in Comitán,
Chiapas, from 2010 to 2012, comprising 1 858 subjects aged
≥20 years. We evaluated proximal, intermediate, and structural
social determinants.
Results. The prevalence of overweight
and obesity was 37.9 and 16.5%, respectively. The probability
of overweight and obesity was higher in participants with
≥primary school, self-reported non-indigenous origin, and
medium level of marginalization compared with those with
‹primary school, self-reported indigenous origin, and high/
very high level of marginalization.
Conclusion. The probability
of overweight and obesity was higher in population
with more favorable social conditions, which may be partially
explained by changes in the traditional lifestyle with greater
access to high energy foods and physical inactivity.
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