2020, Number 2
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2020; 28 (2)
Teaching-learning moment for the promotion of emotional self-care in people with illicit addictions
Navarrete-Ochoa BV, Armendáriz-Ortega AM
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 144-149
PDF size: 164.49 Kb.
Introduction: The teaching moment is concentrated in people with addictions problems that go
through unpleasant moments, these people are emotionally vulnerable in the rehabilitation
process. Nursing, as an educator, should encourage the promotion of self-care for good
emotional development. This need for care led to planning this teaching-learning moment for
the community of the Centro de Recuperación y Rehabilitación para Enfermos de Alcoholismo y
Drogadicción (CRREAD) in the city of Chihuahua.
Development: Three teaching-learning sessions were executed through a constructivist
approach, with an orientation towards the importance of emotional self-care, strategic
techniques were added for a better practice of emotions allowing the participant to reflect and
project in two emotional intelligence activities on how act in situations where emotions take
place in your daily life. The session ended with significant participation reflecting about the
importance of emotional self-care and its good practice.
Conclusions: Through this moment, the participant reflects about the importance of emotional
self-care, which allows an appropriate expression of emotions.
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