2020, Number 277
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16 de abril 2020; 59 (277)
Biological effects and Clinical relevance of immunosenescence
Areces LA
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 1-5
PDF size: 540.49 Kb.
Introduction: Advances in the molecular and physiological studies of the immune response have revealed the relationship between aging and the integrity of the immune response.
Objective: Describe the biological effects of immunosenescence and its importance for medical practice.
Material and methods: Twenty-eight materials were consulted, including classic Immunology texts, and articles in English and Spanish, from databases such as LILACS, ScieELO and PubMed.
Development: During the senescence the physical barriers of the organism deteriorate, the secretion patterns of some cytokines change and wound healing is significantly affected. In adaptive immunity, TCD4 and immunovigilance decrease, chronic low-grade inflammation occurs and there is loss of specificity, which translates into a greater tendency to develop cancer, autoimmune diseases and susceptibility to infections.
Conclusions: The study of the genetic mechanisms involved in the senescent phenotype continues to be a pending task capable of contributing to the development of personalized medicine.
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