2020, Number 277
Characterization of patients with liver cirrhosis due to alcoholism
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-5
PDF size: 265.83 Kb.
Introduction: liver cirrhosis is a chronic and diffuse disease of the liver that alters its structure and function. Objective: to characterize the patients diagnosed with liver cirrhosis due to alcoholism. Material y methods: a descriptive cross-sectional observational study was carried out, with 50 patients as a universe. Clinic and epidemiological variables were studied. Descriptive statistics were used. Results: the predominant sex was the masculine with 41 patients (82%), the age group prevailed 45 to 54 years with 20 patients (43.90%). 44% (22 patients) of them had arterial hypertension as a pathological antecedent and the hospital spent approximately 740,000.00 Cuban pesos in those two years of study. Conclusions: Liver cirrhosis is a frequent and devastating complication in alcoholics. It produces a significant and unnecessary cost. It is a disease that you can choose not to suffer, so it is better not to start.REFERENCES
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