2020, Number 08
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Revista Médica Sinergia 2020; 5 (08)
Association between echocardiographic and anthropometric variables of interest for biomedical control in first level fighters
Silva FJ, Almenares PME, Pérez CR
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 251.05 Kb.
Introduction: The echocardiographic monitoring process works
fundamentally by assessing the functional adaptation of physical
performance. The study aims to evaluate the correlation between
echocardiographic and anthropometric variables in first level fighters as a
result of the training loads at the end of the special preparation.
The sample was constituted by 19 sportsmen (14 com petitors of the Greco-
Roman style and 5 of the free style). They were grouped according to their
body weights in the categories: light, medium, heavy and superheavy.
Standard two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography was performed
at rest at the end of the special preparation. Variables were used: Age,
Sporting Age, Height, Body Weight, Body Surface, Interventricular Septum,
Posterior Wall of the LV, Diastolic Diameter of the LV, Diameter of the Aortic
Root, Diameter of the Left Auricle and Diameter of the Right Ventricle, h/r
Index, Asymmetric Septal Hypertrophy Index, Concentric LV Hypertrophy
Index, Heart Rate, Diastolic Volume, Ejection Volume or Stroke Volume,
Cardiac Output Index, Ejection Fraction and Shortening Fraction.
Mean age was 26.1 year s and 21.6 years respectively with a sports
experience of 16.0 and 14.4 years. Mean indicators were: Interventricular
Septum (12.32±1.26), Posterior LV Wall (13.15±1.27), Diastolic LV
Diameter (21.13±3.21), Stroke Volume (78.22±9.93mL), Cardiac Output
Index (2.60±0.15) and h/r index (0.48±0.02). The lowest records were found
in the lowest weight wrestlers. The lowest and highest values were found in
light and super-heavyweight wrestlers respectively. The absolute values of
the functional indicators corresponded to the anthropometric characteristics.
Conclusions: Wrestlers have a structurally and functionally healt hy heart
with an adequate anaerobic balance of its remodeling according to the state
of the high school. The highest correlation is established between body
weight and structural, functional and remodeling ultrasound variables.
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