2004, Number 4
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Rev Odont Mex 2004; 8 (4)
Prevalence of buccal Candida carriers in a pediatric population
Arzate MN, Sánchez VO, Calderón BL, Aquino GS, Gaitán CL
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 107-111
PDF size: 196.42 Kb.
Candida spp is the most frequent ethiologic micotic agent in the oral cavity, however the prevalence of buccal
Candida carriers in healthy Mexican children has not been determinated. The objective of the present report was to asses the prevalence of buccal
Candida carriers in Mexican children. To this purpose, 93 healthy children (53 girls, 40 boys; ‹ to 13 years old), coming from Paediatric dentistry department, División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación, Facultad de Odontología, UNAM a sample of oral mucous with sterile hyssops, was taken, and cultivated in a Sabouraud-Chloramphenicol medium, and incubated at 37°C during 48 hours.
Candida species were identified by API ID32C system (Biomeriux®). A x
2 test was done (p ‹ 0.05). Forty children were yeast carriers to a prevalence of 43%. 4 – 6 years old group had highest prevalence (30%) of
Candida carriers. Ninety two percent of
Candida species were albicans.
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