2019, Number 30
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Inv Ed Med 2019; 8 (30)
Post-innovation curricular impact on perception of educational environment by medical technology students
Chacón CT, Castillo PC, Díaz-Véliz G
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 50-59
PDF size: 571.99 Kb.
Introduction: In the last decade, the Faculty of Medicine
of the University of Chile has modified the curriculum of
its eight health schools, with the objective to guide the
educational process of the students according to their
professional profiles.
Aim: To determine the impact of curricular innovation in
the perception of educational environment of the secondyear
students of School of Medical Technology of the
Faculty of Medicine.
Method: This was a cross-sectional study. Four successive
cohorts (N = 308), two of them with a former curriculum
(years 2012 and 2013) and two others with an innovated
curriculum (years 2014 and 2015), were surveyed with the
DREEM questionnaire. This instrument was designed to
measure the perception of the educational environment
and consisted of 50 items, divided into 5 sub-scales:
perception of teaching, teachers, learning environment,
academic and social self-perception.
Results: The overall mean scores of the questionnaire
were significantly higher in students in the two years post
curricular innovation (2012:116.2; 2013:117.6; 2014:131.1;
2015:133.3). In addition, in the 2014 and 2015 cohorts
the percentage of students who considered the educational
environment as excellent increased significantly
(2012:6.6%, 2013:7.5%, 2014: 20.8%, and 2015:23.7%).
In two of the five sub-scales of the DREEM questionnaire,
perception of teaching and perception of the learning
environment, significantly increased the positive perception
in the students with innovated curriculum. No differences
were detected among the 4 cohorts in the rest of
the subscales.
Conclusion: According to the students’ opinion, the process
of curricular innovation in the School of Medical
Technology successfully corrected some deficient aspects
of the former curriculum. The DREEM questionnaire
gave indications about the priorities when reforming the
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