2019, Number 30
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Inv Ed Med 2019; 8 (30)
Students abuse in undergraduate of the Medicine Faculty of the UNAM
Reyes AWA, Ramírez GMT, Ponce de León CME, García GJJ
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 18-29
PDF size: 699.94 Kb.
Introduction: The abuse to students is documented in
many schools of medicine in the world. His presence is
manifested by decrease of confidence in themselves,
poor academic performance and be a source of family
and social conflict. The recognition of this phenomenon
gives relief to the affected people, associated with a diminution
of the abusive behavior.
Method: We conducted a transversal prospective observational
study with students of the Faculty of Medicine of
the UNAM from the first to the fourth year of the career.
Results: 2250 students were survey, being the majority
women. There was no statistically significant difference
by sex in the composition between the four scholarship
years. 73.5% were basic science students. The abuse
was referred to by more than a quarter of the students
studied (27%). Statistical differences in prevalence between
the different school years were observed. Abuse by
authoritarianism was the one with the highest percentage,
followed by a lesser extent to that associated with gender,
sexual harassment, and sexual orientation. Being physical
abuse the least common. Minimizing the importance of
the event was the main reason not to report, followed by
not to know what to do or the fear of possible reprisals
There is a lack of information and diffusion about the
mechanisms for reporting this type of incidents and to
recognize de trail and resolution of the case.
Conclusion: different types of abuse were found; although
some of them are not recognize or are tolerated According
to the findings the same person would have suffered
more than one.
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