2020, Number 1
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EduMeCentro 2020; 12 (1)
The research process from a questioning, problematizing and dialectical perspective
Velazco GJ, Guelmes VEL, Gómez MY
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 185-201
PDF size: 447.07 Kb.
Background: researching is a complex process if the people who carry it out are new teachers who try to solve problems identified in their pedagogical practice.
Objective: to analyze the researching process from a problem-solving and dialectical perspective, taking as reference "the six humble servants" of Rudyard Kipling.
Methods: the result of the experience of the authors obtained through their participation in events, discussions, scientific debates, advice on master´s thesis and examining boards in defense of doctorates is presented. Texts by Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) were consulted, from which the analyzed one was selected, articles prepared by the authors and published in international journals; In addition to other printed and electronic sources of relevance to the subject, using recognized search engines.
Development: the need to face the researching process from the beginning is emphasized with a questioning attitude that guides a problem-solving process from practice and theory. The authors rely on the six basic questions asked by Kipling who, although he did not ask them for the purpose of guiding the research work, he attributed them an invaluable value in the acquisition of knowledge and they have been used for this purpose by various authors in dissimilar branches and specialties.
Conclusions: the effectiveness of applying “the six humble servants” of the English writer Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was demonstrated by linking them to specific categories of research and their usefulness to undertake this difficult process, especially aimed at novice teachers trying to give solution to problems identified in their pedagogical practice but without experience as researchers.
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