2019, Number 6
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2019; 18 (6)
Anxiety and poor sleep quality in medical students. Is there a relationship with anemia?
Espinoza-Henriquez R, Diaz-Mejia E, Quincho-Estares ÁJ, Toro-Huamanchumo CJ
Language: Spanish
References: 55
Page: 942-956
PDF size: 842.32 Kb.
Introduction: Medical students are often
vulnerable to mental health disorders such as
anxiety and poor sleep quality. Both can have a
negative impact on their eating behavior, which
could generate middle- and long-term anemiarelated
problems during their studies.
Objective: To identify the prevalence of anxiety
and poor sleep quality and to evaluate the
association with anemia in medical students of a
Peruvian public university.
Material and Methods: We conducted a crosssectional
analytical study in 80 medical students
from the first to the fourth year. We used the
Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and the Pittsburgh
Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) to assess anxiety
symptoms and sleep quality, respectively. We
also included sociodemographic, academic, and
behavioral data. Likewise, we determined the
presence of anemia by obtaining hemoglobin
results, following the procedures stipulated by
the Peruvian Ministry of Health.
Results: It was found a percentage of anxiety and
poor sleep quality of 62,5 % and 63,7 %,
respectively. To be female (RPa: 1,39; 95 % CI:
1,01-1,91) and to have moderate anemia (PRa:
1,31; 95 % CI: 1,06-1,64) were associated with anxiety. On the other hand, the factors
associated with poor sleep quality were to be
located in Clinics (PRa: 1,54, 95 % CI: 1,17-2,02)
and to have moderate anemia (PRa: 1,52, CI95 %:
Conclusion: Anxiety and sleep quality were
frequent problems in the medical students
studied. Moderate anemia was an associated
factor for both cases.
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