2019, Number 6
The training in the university of healthy lifestyles promoters
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1019-1033
PDF size: 311.01 Kb.
Introduction: an analysis is presented concerning the role of training promoters of healthy lifestyles in the development of university students and its relationship with the up to date growth of science and technology.Objective: to propose a pedagogical concept for the training of promoters of healthy lifestyle in the University.
Methods: the dialectic-materialist method that is considered a theoretical, practical and methodological support of the research process, as well as the historical-logical and the systemic-structural method were applied.
Results: the theoretical bases of the research that are framed from the Educational Sciences are stated, along with the legal framework in which it is based.
Conclusions: the term healthy lifestyle was approached, taking into account its implication in the training of professionals, throughout the university extension work as a formative process where the experience is consolidated.
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