2019, Number 6
Treatment of skin tumors with SENSUS SRT-100TM at Cancer Treatment Center of Pinar del Río
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 817-826
PDF size: 434.71 Kb.
Introduction: considering the high incidence of non-melanomic skin cancer, where treatments with ionizing radiations are used, specifically with the SENSUS SRT-100TM equipment at Cancer Treatment Center of Pinar del Río, and given the need to effectively apply the benefits related to this practice, a retrospective observational study was conducted to discuss the use of aspects related to patients, lesions, administration and application of the treatment machine with a view to increase the benefits of this therapy.Objective: to evaluate the benefits of treating skin tumors with SENSUS SRT-100TM.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional and retrospective observational study was conducted in patients treated from the beginning of superficial radiotherapy with SENSUS SRT-100TM at the Pinar del Río Cancer Patient Care Center, from April 2018 to April 2019. The universe It was constituted by 63 patients, the totality being studied.
Results: 60.3% had received some previous treatment in at least one of their lesions. The 77.8% presented intermediate or high risk of recurrence of the disease and 65% of the schemes were within the recommended therapeutic window of Time-Dose-Fractionation Factors (TDFs). Machine utilization turned out to be low.
Conclusions: increasing the use of appropriate criteria and strengthening the training of specialties entrusted with these treatments could improve their quality and efficiency in the use of resources.
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