2019, Number 4
Self-expandable endoprotesis, an alternative for patients with cancer de esofago, from a humanist vision
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 119-123
PDF size: 374.68 Kb.
At present, the insertion of the self-expanding stent is considered the palliative treatment of choice in patients with inoperable esophageal cancer, which requires a trained professional to apply the clinical-epidemiological method with a humanistic vision from their attention. The present comment proposes to reflect on the health-disease process of patients with inoperable esophageal cancer with improved care from a humanistic approach. A search was conducted in PUBMED, SciELO Regional, SciELO Public Health, SciELO Cuba, Virtual Health Library Cuba, Medline Plus, Medscape, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine GoPubMed. The keywords were used: esophageal cancer, self-expanding esophageal prostheses, humanistic vision, ways and lifestyles. 16 bibliographic references were selected. The systematization carried out, allowed to identify that the placement of the prosthesis, allows the patient the modification of ways and lifestyles to transform his psyche, in the benefit that the procedure for the feeding process reports. Concluding, that the success of humanized care is given by the preparation of the professional, which allows him to educate patients and caregivers as a factor in their way of life and lifestyle.REFERENCES
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