2020, Number 35
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Inv Ed Med 2020; 9 (35)
Preparing to Help: Response Strategy of Schools of Medicine and Health Sciences to COVID-19 Pandemic
Valdez-García JE, López CMV, Jiménez MMÁ, Díaz EJA, Dávila RJAG, Olivares OSL
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 85-95
PDF size: 550.32 Kb.
The pandemic declared by the World Health Organization
impacts multiple economic and social sectors, including
health care services and higher education. Especially, the
Faculties of Medicine and Health Sciences are struggling
with the duality of training socially responsible healthcare
professionals, protecting their physical and emotional
integrity, and contributing to the vulnerable scenarios.
Faculty members face an imminent increase in health
care needs for infected patients according to the estimates
of experts and authorities, resulting in and high
risk and saturation of work.
This document proposes a guideline as an action plan to
face the expansion of COVID-19. First, the
Protection and
safety of the educational community should be privileged
by suspending clinical training activity with the purpose
of training. Secondly, Academic continuity should be performed
with distance education, considering stages of
preparation, design, implementation, and evaluation. It
is imperative an intensive use of technology, digital resources,
and application of virtual simulation scenarios.
A third component is the
Communication and emotional
follow-up of the academic community to mitigate the anxiety,
uncertainty, and loneliness for students, teachers,
parents, and support staff. Finally, the
Response and
social responsibility is part of the Medical and Health Sciences
mission. Health professionals can contribute to the
education, prevention, and support of people impacted
by the pandemic situation. Students learn new competencies
during this process. The conclusion relates to the
opportunity to reconcile through unique approaches the
clinical work and the need for support for this new reality.
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