2020, Number 35
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Inv Ed Med 2020; 9 (35)
Implementation of Online Anatomy Course and the Perception of Physical Therapy Students
Villarroel QGP, Fuentes SMÁ, Oyarzún MVH
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 75-84
PDF size: 612.96 Kb.
Introduction: The teaching of human anatomy is fundamental
in health area careers. The most prevalent teachinglearning
methodology in our country consists in exhibition
classes, laboratories and autonomous study. Information
and communication technologies (ICT) offer new forms
of interaction, where virtual learning spaces (VLS) have
incorporated into university education in recent years.
Objective: To develop an anatomy online course to guide
the autonomous learning of physical therapy students
from Anatomy I module, and determine their perception
of this digital educative resource.
Method: The design of this research is quantitative and
descriptive. The sample was selected in a non-probabilistic
way and corresponded to the 83 students who
accomplished the selection criteria. The online course
was implemented in the Moodle Learning Management
System (LMS) platform. In order to know the students’
perception regarding access, content, use and utility,
an evaluation instrument was built, which was fed back
by experts and students. This instrument was applied
online at the end of each learning result, after an informed
consent acceptance.
Results: The online course average approval was 88%
in the first and final survey. The “access” and “content”
dimensions are those who reported more satisfaction
from the participants.
Conclusions: The online course was well valued by the
students and the platform’s approval level is significantly
high in all its dimensions.
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