2020, Number 35
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Inv Ed Med 2020; 9 (35)
Academic Stress in Dental Students: Association with Social Support, Positive Thinking and Psychological Well-Being
Luna D, García-Reyes S, Soria-González EA, Avila-Rojas M, Ramírez-Molina V, García-Hernández B, Meneses-González F
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 8-17
PDF size: 514.15 Kb.
Introduction: The Dentistry students present high levels
of stress. The study of its relationship with salutogenic
variables such as social support, positive thinking and
psychological well-being could be useful for its intervention,
enhance the beneficial function of stress and avoid
its adverse effects.
Objective: To determine the level of academic stress and
its sources in dentistry students, as well as to identify its
association with psychological well-being, social support,
and positive thinking. Detecting psychological well-being,
social support and positive thinking are predictors
of stress in this population.
Method: Dentistry students completed an online questionnaire
survey composed of an identification card and
the instruments Academic Stress Questionnaire in the
University (CEAU), Positivity Scale (PS), Reduced Scale
of Social, Perceived, Family and Friends Support (AFA)
-R), and the Psychological Wellness Scale for Adults
Results: 146 students participated, 104 women and
42 men. The level of stress, social support and positive
thinking was moderate; while the level of psychological
well-being was high. Regarding men, women showed
greater stress (p ‹ 0.01) and lower psychological well-being
(p ‹ 0.05). Stress showed a negative correlation with
psychological well-being (r = –0.41) and social support
(r = –0.29) but only in women. A multiple lineal regression
indicate that psychological well-being (
β = –0.27)
and female sex (
β = –0.26) predicts the stress level
(p = 0.01). This model explains 15% of variance (R2 corrected
= 0.15). Aspects that generated greater stress were
the academic performance and the future perspective of
his profession.
Conclusions: The identifying healthy predictors of stress
in dentistry students favors the well-founded design of
intervention strategies that favor the positive development
of this population.
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