2019, Number 29
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Inv Ed Med 2019; 8 (29)
Quality of Problems in PBL. Validity evidence of an instrument
García RRC, Martínez GA
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 58-68
PDF size: 480.70 Kb.
Introduction: In Problem Based Learning (PBL), the quality
of the problems is essential for the acquisition and
integration of knowledge. Nevertheless, there is a lack of
instruments with validity evidence to measure it.
Objective: To develop a questionnaire to evaluate the
quality of the problems of the PBL, obtaining its evidence
of validity.
Methods: The questionnaire was developed upon revising
literature. Validity evidences were obtained according
to the Standards for Educational and Psychological
Testing, specifically sources of content validity evidence,
response process, internal structure and assessment
The questionnaire was submitted to evaluation by a jury
and it was calculated according to the level of agreement
related to the Fleiss’ Kappa Test. In order to know
the psychometric characteristics of the questionnaire,
discrimination analysis of items was performed using Student’s
t test; looking to identify the internal structure of
the test, an exploratory factorial analysis was performed
and the Cronbach’s Alpha was calculated as statistic of
internal consistency.
Results: The obtained Kappa index for the 24 items was
of 0.45 to 1. The Student’s
t test got values of bilateral
significance of 0.000. The exploratory factorial analysis
with a Varimax rotation extracted six factors that showed
an explained variance of 83.08%. The instrument final version
was constituted by 20 items with a total Cronbach’s
Alpha in the scale of 0.97.
Conclusions: This questionnaire has enough validity evidence
as to be used to assess the quality of the problems
in PBL. Besides, the six factors described amplify the measuring
extent of the existing instruments and allowing us
to detect the strengths and weaknesses and provide suggestions
from the perspective of learners and professors.
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