2016, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2016; 7 (2)
Adaptation and psychometric properties of Body Esteem Scale in Mexican women and men
Escoto PLMC, Bosques-Brugada LE, Cervantes-Luna BS, Camacho REJ, Díaz RI, Rodríguez HG
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 97-104
PDF size: 309.54 Kb.
To explore the relationship between body esteem and psychological adjustment it is
important to have valid and reliable measures. However, in Mexico we do not have tools to assess
body esteem. The purpose of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of Body
Esteem Scale in females (
n = 304) and males (
n = 250), the age of participants ranged from 11
to 33 years. The principal axis analysis with oblique rotation derived dos factors with adequate
internal consistency for women and men (α = 0.86 to 0.91). The temporal stability of the scale
and their factors was acceptable for women (α = 0.66 a 0.75); however, for men, Physical and
Sexual Attractiveness factor obtained a lower index than acceptable (α = 0.55). Finally, for
women, body esteem correlated with self-esteem, body mass index and fat mass. Body Esteem
Scale is a promising measure to assess body esteem in Mexican women; however, construct
validity were not entirely confirmed for males. Methodological strengths and limitations of this
study, as well as the direction of future research are discussed.
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