2020, Number 3
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Rev Mex Med Forense 2020; 5 (3)
Sport, violence and death. Its forensic and legal medical aspect in the Venezuelan punitive framework
Araujo-Cuauro JC
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 69-89
PDF size: 556.03 Kb.
Purpose: the objective of this research is to analyze, from the legal forensic perspective, the deaths caused in sport as a result of violence in the sports field, as well as sudden deaths due to the non-requirement of the pre-participation sports medical examination, which is its in Venezuelan criminal law as a crime and possible sanctions.
Sport like any other activity of the human being is not exempt from behaviors that can be considered criminal.
Description: a preliminary review of the definition of death in sport is carried out, both by violent mechanisms and sudden, due to ignoring the current regulations where it has been mandatory to request the certificate of medical pre-participation by part of the sports centers, schools, universities and those who guide the sporting activity.
Approach: the series of problems of legal-forensic medical significance of considerable magnitude is striking because of the various implications related above all to criminal law, in which the figures of homicide (fraudulent or negligent) and professional responsibility.
Conclusions: Therefore, it seems necessary to apply criminal law to situations that occur in the sports field when death is caused by violence in the field or because of ignoring the medical certification of pre-participation in sports, it should be noted that criminal law refers to, to the protection of "physical integrity", that is to say to the athlete's own life, so there should not be any problem when death occurs in sanctioning and criminally condemning.
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