2019, Number 3
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Rev Cub de Reu 2019; 21 (3)
Intersectoriality in the managment of rheumatic disceaces
Hernández CL, Gonzalez-Argote J, Fernández QY, Capote FMM, Campello TLE
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 116.09 Kb.
The centralization of the sanitary and social attention in the patient is a question of first order in the perception of the quality, the health, the assistance quality and the satisfaction of the boarding of the rheumatic diseases. Actually, to reach superior goals in public health and to improve the quality of their practice, one works in the improvement of the intersectoriality like indispensable technology to promote the health in the population. In this communication there were related examples where the intersectoriality is evidenced, in function of facilitating the promotion and the achievement of the common objectives in several areas. Based in the particularities of the rheumatic pathology, the health care professionals face true challenges in their handling; this way they stay in constant more and more intersector relationship and deeply with the other actors, as those producing of technologies, the laboratories and the pharmaceutical industry.
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