2020, Number 2
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2020; 40 (2)
Pet associated gastroenteritis in children
Hernández MR, Reyes HKL, Reyes GU, Guerrero BM, Quero HA, Miranda GD
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 60-63
PDF size: 141.18 Kb.
Pet’s coexistence occurs in more than half of the homes in Mexico. Pets can transmit infections to humans, ranging
from mild and self-limited, to those that are life-threatening. These zoonosis acquisition occurs through direct
contact with the pet or indirectly through contaminated environments or by a vector. Children, the elderly and immunocompromised
patients are more susceptible to acquiring gastro-intestinal infections. The main pets associated
with these are dogs and cats, rodents, poultry, reptiles and amphibians.
This article reviews basic concepts that the clinical and first contact physician should know. The scrupulous care of
pets and their habitat, as well as the washing hands of cohabitants, are basic measures to avoid these diseases.
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