2019, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2019; 45 (4)
Cuban teaching cooperation in Guinea Bissau as a strategy to achieve universal health coverage
Marimón TN, Martinez CE
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 627.69 Kb.
The present study is aimed to describe the development and scope of Cuban teaching collaboration in the training of human resources, from the beginning of the implementation of the new training program in 2006 to date, as a strategy for strengthening national capacities in Guinea Bissau and sustainability of the work of the Medical Brigade in this country. This is one of the poorest countries in the world, with scarce material and human resources, a deficit in training and a big migration of professionals seeking better economic conditions. It was conducted a qualitative research applying the historical-logical method. It was collected all the information from the revision of the documents related to the work of the Cuban medical brigades that have worked in that country. This research has the objective of describing the development and scope of the Cuban teaching cooperation and it is emphasized the importance of the application of a formative method from the community, as a way for the strengthening of Sanitary Systems and to improve the health of populations. This a successful example of this experience linked to the Medical Brigade, with the intention of demonstrating its feasibility and extending it to the rest of the African continent.
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