2020, Number 2
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2020; 40 (2)
Epidemiology of malaria infections in Choco, a province of Colombian Pacific coast
Hernández SJM, Pérez VM, Zuluaga GJS, Ortiz MGM, Pizarro MPA, Vera HS, Jiménez CAF
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 55-59
PDF size: 154.88 Kb.
Colombian Pacific is one of the regions with the highest risk of malaria transmission in the country. High rainfall, illegal
mining, illicit crops and climatic changes make malaria endemic in the region.
objective. To characterize the malaria cases that occurred in the department of Choco during 2016-2018.
material and methods. Descriptive, cross-sectional study. Reports of malaria cases from to the Department of
Malaria Control program for the years 2016-2018 were obtained from a secondary source. Based on these data, the
incidence of the disease was calculated and a sociodemographic analysis was performed. Most of the cases were
detected in 2016 (56 000 cases); the year with the lowest number of cases was 2017 with approximately 14 493. The
most prevalent species in the region was
Plasmodium falciparum. The large number of cases occur in the urban area
of Quibdó. Choco continues to be one of the regions of Colombia with the highest transmission of malaria.
discussion. Climatic, social and economic factors make malaria endemic in this region. It is important to review the
education and prevention strategies around this disease to propose community control strategies that include training
in the identification-elimination of mosquito breeding sites and basic knowledge of disease.
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