2016, Number 1
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2016; 7 (1)
Food during the night is a factor leading to obesity
Escobar C, Ángeles-Castellanos M, Espitia BEN, Marinus BR
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 78-83
PDF size: 265.89 Kb.
The present review aims to present evidence obtained in clinical surveys and experimental
studies that point out the relevance of meal schedules on metabolism and body weight.
Recent findings indicate that in spite of ingesting equivalent amounts, food ingestion during
the day or during the night can have completely different effects on metabolism determining
bodyweight gain and propensity to obesity. Such findings find support in studies of the circadian
rhythms, driven by a biological clock located in the anterior hypothalamus, which transmits temporal
signals to the body including functions for energy balance. Circadian cycles are normally
driven by the alternation of the day- night luminosity cycles, however metabolic changes resulting
from food have proven to be powerful temporal signals capable of modifying de temporal
order in tissues and cells. Considering the power of food elicited signals, the feeding schedule
must coincide with the timing signals driven by the biological clock. Thus eating during the
hours normally assigned for sleep and rest leads to a loss of coordination between metabolic
rhythms and the biological clock. This circadian disruption occurs at different levels, among
cells in a specific tissue as well as in the molecular processes in cells. The aim of this review
is to emphasize the adverse effects that meals during the night can exhert on metabolism, we
provide evidence about circadian and metabolic alterations at different regulatory levels.
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