2016, Number 1
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2016; 7 (1)
Influence of parental rearing styles on attitude towards change in eating disorders
Beato FL, Ramírez EC, O´Ferrall GC, Rodríguez CT
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 56-63
PDF size: 344.78 Kb.
Objective: To evaluate the relationships between ‘‘parental rearing styles’’ and ‘‘attitude
towards change’’ in eating disorders patients according to DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric
Association -APA-, 1994).
Methods: A total of 166 patients was evaluated: 66 (39.8%) patients met criteria for bulimia
nervosa, 49 (29.5%) patients met criteria for anorexia nervosa and 51 (30.7%) patients met
criteria for an eating disorder not otherwise specified. All the patients completed a set of
self-administered questionnaires to evaluate their family relationships (APGAR familiar), their
memories of parental upbringing and their attitudes towards change (ACTA) after one year
Results: A multiple regression analysis was performed. ‘‘
overprotection’’ perceived during
childhood was related to higher scores in ‘‘pre-contemplation’’ and lower scores in ‘‘action’’
and ‘‘maintenance’’. On the other hand, ‘‘rejection’’ during upbringing was related to higher
scores in ‘‘pre-contemplation’’ at one year follow-up regardless of family dysfunction. Finally,
‘‘warm’’ perceived was related to higher scores in ‘‘action’’.
Conclusions: These results show the relevance of breeding in treatment important aspects in
eating disorders patients.
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