2019, Number 4
Factors associated with the complications of elective surgery of inguinal hernias
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 707-722
PDF size: 264.73 Kb.
Introduction: Inguinal hernia is a common surgical treatment illness and represents 10-15 % of the programmed surgery. The postoperative complications records are 5-10 %, although they are not avoidable, it is mandatory to know the possible causes to decrease the incidence rate.Objective: To identify the associated factors on the complications of elective inguinal hernia surgery.
Methods: An observational and descriptive study of a series of 246 patients operated on elective inguinal hernia surgery in the General Surgery Service of "Saturnino Lora" Hospital of Santiago de Cuba during the years 2016-2017.
Results: There were 18 complications (7,3 %) of the sample. The age group of 51 to 70 years (47,8 %) predominated and the male sex over females with a ratio of 15,4:1. Preoperative physical state was classified ASA 1 in 183 patients (74,4 %) and ASA 2 in 62 (25,2 %). 72,2 % of the complicated patients had at least one associated disease. Type 2 according to Nyhus classification prevailed with 73 (29,7 %) patients of the sample, and eight (44,4 %) of complicated patients.
Conclusions: Associated factors on acute and chronic complications of elective inguinal hernia surgery related to age, sex, associated illness, preoperative physical state and type of hernia according to Nyhus classification do not differ from that reported by the national and foreign literature.
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