2020, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2020; 23 (2)
Irrational beliefs in women with excess body weight in the urban area of Costa Rica
Martinez JT, Guzmán SP
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 751-771
PDF size: 415.92 Kb.
Excess weight is a growing worldwide problem. Irrational beliefs may play a fundamental role in this problem as barrier or facilitator in the weight-loss or weight-gain processes. The objective of this study was to identify some of the irrational beliefs in relation to weight loss and excess body weight, in28 women in the urban area of Costa Rica. Qualitative techniques were conducted, specifically: two discussion groups, 5 focus groups, 7 in-depth interviews, and 2 checking sessions. A total of 14 implicit demand types were found, which were grouped into 4 types of demands. These results could be very useful for both cognitive-behavioral interventions and serve as a basis for the development of an irrational belief scale related to obesity, adapted to the Costa Rican and Latin American reality.
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