2020, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2020; 23 (2)
Sequential analysis of the teaching discourse upon student’s response in second language adquisition
Ruiz CE, Cruz GJL, Hernández HTF
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 724-750
PDF size: 517.32 Kb.
The discursive sequential analysis examines the educational interaction between the teacher and the student based on the Intervention-Response-Evaluation/Feedback structure (IRE/F), which allows the analysis of the strategies that the teacher implements to encourage the learning and participation of the student. The research of observational design of follow-up/ideographic/multidimensional details a discursive analysis of 5 students and a teacher belonging to an English course to find elements that the teacher uses in the third part of the structure, accomplished at Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala (UNAM) in the State of Mexico, 2018. The group was recorded and the analysis was developed with the statistical program SDIS-GSEQ. Enriching categories of the IRE/F structure were recorded, consisting of personal comments complemented by feedback which facilitate the continuity of the discourse as well as the restart of the discursive structures, generating spaces for preparation and participation for the student.
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