2020, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2020; 23 (2)
Psychometric properties of a two-scale battery for recording emotional condition in mexican university students
Rosales PJC, Córdova OM, Rosales CA
Language: Spanish
References: 60
Page: 541-564
PDF size: 412.59 Kb.
In this research the results of the analysis of internal consistency and construct validity of two proposed scales for recording status indicator Emotional and Vulnerability Emotional in Mexican university students, aimed at providing information on the emotional condition that differentiates youth with suicidal ideation presented. The sample was made up of a total of 2440 young people from 4 universities in Mexico City: 1232 men (50.5%) with an average age of 20.2 years and SD = 2.4; 1208 women (49.5%) with an average age of 19.7 years and SD = 2.1, based on both random and non-random sampling. Psychometric analysis was performed based on exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach's Alpha, the Pearson correlation r, t Student test, and binary logistic regression. The results showed acceptable levels of internal consistency and construct validity in two scales: with the identification of 3 factors in the Emotional Status Scale and 1 factor in the Emotional Vulnerability Scale. Which showed the relevance of both scales for recording indicators of emotions that have not been reported in Mexican university students with suicidal ideation without suicidal ideation is noted that it is necessary to confirm with other samples of university students I found in this investigation.
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