2020, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2020; 23 (2)
Psychoterapy for the otherness. Lévinas, language and ethic
Iñiguez GEE, Padilla GN
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 522-540
PDF size: 415.51 Kb.
In this article, it is intended to show the relevance of thought from the lithuanian philosopher Emmanuel Levinas regarding the current therapeutic practices. It is argued that starting the Other's notion as unfathomable and excessive to any diagnostic category and proposing a different conceptualization about the individual who provides the psychotherapy as an "infinitely responsible" person. It is possible to reach a flexible psychological practice, based on the ethical encounter between two or more individuals. Likewise, Levinas's own concepts regarding philosophy and its connection with different theories about psychotherapy are addressed, focusing on those coming from a systemic-relational and systemical-dialogical frame, with the objective of nailing down the binding points between both theoretical frameworks. Finally, a brief deployment concerning the political consequences of Levinas' thinking is carried out, considering for it, the particular concepts of liberation's philosophy, with the purpose of locating this article in today's Latin America's situation.
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