2020, Number S1
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2020; 41 (S1)
Stress, emotional responses, risk factors, psychopathology and management of healthcare workers during (COVID-19) pandemic
Muñoz-Fernández SI, Molina-Valdespino D, Ochoa-Palacios R, Sánchez-Guerrero O, Esquivel-Acevedo JA
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 127-136
PDF size: 406.40 Kb.
Background: The new SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus, causing COVID-19 pandemic, affects
healthcare workers, who suffer a high emotional impact, facing complex and stressful
situations, challenging their emotional regulation mechanisms and their ability to cope
with daily life stress, to keep an optimal state of mental health.
Objective: To describe the expected emotional reactions to COVID-19, the protective
and risk factors, the psychiatric pathology related to the pandemic and the different
treatment interventions that can be carried out to support the possible emotional reactions
that can emerge during the crisis.
Conclusion: COVID-19 pandemic is a risk for mental disturbances of healthcare
workers that must be evaluated and treated as soon as possible.
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