2019, Number 4
Educational actions aimed at modifying the sexual behavior of adolescents
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 151.35 Kb.
Introduction: Abortion rates in Cuba are highest in the 15-19 age group. 7% of teenage abortions occur in Villa Clara, whereas this province contributes 25% of the total teenage abortions in the central region. According to statistical data, nearly 33.8 teenage pregnancies per 1 000 women were recorded in the municipality of Quemado de Güines in the last fiveyear period.Objective: Develop educational actions aimed at modifying the sexual behavior of adolescents.
Methods: An intervention study was conducted in the urban area of the municipality of Quemado de Güines in the period 2012-2014. The study universe was 1 190 teenagers of both sexes. The sample consisted of 83 teenagers selected by intentional nonprobability sampling, of whom 50 were female and 33 were male aged 12-16 years. A number of educational actions were designed and implemented with the purpose of modifying the sexual behavior of adolescents, based on a variety of approaches according to the change stage diagnosed.
Results: A large percentage of adolescents with no intention to modify their sexual behavior eventually did modify it in the short, medium and long terms.
Conclusions: The educational actions implemented with the study group of adolescents, which were based on the model of behavior change by stages developed by James O. Prochaska, applied a variety of approaches to foster changes in the sexual behavior of teenagers.
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